Blogging with Hugo and Cloudflare Pages

I wanted to blog again without dealing with the excess of a Wordpress blog and the costs of hosting it somewhere. After experimenting with a few different platforms, I settled on Hugo. At first, I set up this Hugo blog with Azure Static Apps + Github, where I used GitHub actions to deploy this blog everytime I merge a change into my blog repository hosted on GitHub.

I was struggling getting a custom domain configured with Azure Static Pages which probably stemmed from user error and some nauances with Cloudflare SSL. I finally decided to pivot and deploy the blog on Cloudflare pages. I’ve been slowly adopting Cloudflare services for personal use which warrants it’s own post. I’ll spare regurtating the Cloudflare documentation on deploying a Hugo site on Cloudflare pages since it’s great.

I love that I can write create a local branch, create a pull request, and merge to my main branch to create a new blog post. The Cloudflare x GitHub integration takes care of actually building the hugo site any time I push a commmit.