Quickly Analyzing Security Datasets with DuckDB

DuckDB has been making waves in Data Analysis and Data Engineering circles, circles that security professionals in detection and response should strive to be a part of, but that’s for a different rant. There’s no sense in repeating the benefits from DuckDB since it’s outlined nicely in this Why DuckDB page. On the main DuckDB page, there is a large quote:

All the benefits of a database, none of the hassle.

There are some use cases where data is not ingested and available in a data platform and only available as a JSON or CSV file. In these cases, I tend to spin up a Jupyter notebook, load the files into a Pandas dataframe, and then perform my analysis. It works great. After reading a bit about DuckDB and the various use cases, I knew it could also fufill my adhoc data analysis usecase.I was able to get DuckDB installed by running brew install duckdb. Running duckdb initates the DuckDB shell.

☁  ~  duckdb
v0.9.0 0d84ccf478
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.

I needed some security centric logs which are available from Security Datasets project. I realized there were some AWS datasets, which would be perfect to use. I suspected they were CloudTrail logs which were probably a big JSON file. I downloaded the ec2_proxy_s3_exfiltration dataset, and my hunch was right.

Once I unzipped the file, I ran duckdb in the same folder as the extracted json file. I decided to quickly query the JSON file.

D SELECT * FROM 'ec2_proxy_s3_exfiltration_2020-09-14011940.json' LIMIT 10;
│  requestParameters   │      userAgent       │ awsRegion │ eventType  │ … │      resources       │ eventCategory │ additionalEventData  │ managementEvent │
│ struct(describeins…  │       varchar        │  varchar  │  varchar   │   │ struct(arn varchar…  │    varchar    │ struct(bytestransf…  │     boolean     │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ {'DescribeInstance…  │ console.ec2.amazon…  │ us-east-1 │ AwsApiCall │ … │                      │               │                      │                 │
│ 10 rows                                                                                                                             22 columns (8 shown) │

This is significant because you can interact with a large JSON file using SQL instead of performing witchcraft with jq. I decided to actually turn the JSON into a DuckDB table. It was very straight forward to do without having to define a schema.

D CREATE TABLE ec2_proxy_tbl AS SELECT * FROM read_json_auto('ec2_proxy_s3_exfiltration_2020-09-14011940.json');
D show tables;
│     name      │
│    varchar    │
│ ec2_proxy_tbl │

D describe ec2_proxy_tbl;
│     column_name     │                                                                      column_type                                                                       │  null   │   key   │ default │ extra │
│       varchar       │                                                                        varchar                                                                         │ varchar │ varchar │ varchar │ int32 │
│ requestParameters   │ STRUCT(DescribeInstanceTypesRequest STRUCT(NextToken VARCHAR, MaxResults BIGINT), filterSet STRUCT(items STRUCT(valueSet STRUCT(items STRUCT("value"…  │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ userAgent           │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ awsRegion           │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventType           │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ @version            │ BIGINT                                                                                                                                                 │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ userIdentity        │ STRUCT(arn VARCHAR, "type" VARCHAR, userName VARCHAR, sessionContext STRUCT(webIdFederationData JSON, sessionIssuer STRUCT(arn VARCHAR, userName VAR…  │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ recipientAccountId  │ BIGINT                                                                                                                                                 │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ responseElements    │ STRUCT(credentials STRUCT(sessionToken VARCHAR, expiration VARCHAR, accessKeyId VARCHAR))                                                              │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventName           │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ sourceIPAddress     │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventSource         │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ requestID           │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ @timestamp          │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventID             │ UUID                                                                                                                                                   │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventVersion        │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ apiVersion          │ DATE                                                                                                                                                   │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ readOnly            │ BOOLEAN                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ sharedEventID       │ UUID                                                                                                                                                   │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ resources           │ STRUCT(ARN VARCHAR, accountId BIGINT, "type" VARCHAR, ARNPrefix VARCHAR)[]                                                                             │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ eventCategory       │ VARCHAR                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ additionalEventData │ STRUCT(bytesTransferredOut DOUBLE, AuthenticationMethod VARCHAR, CipherSuite VARCHAR, SignatureVersion VARCHAR, bytesTransferredIn DOUBLE, "x-amz-id…  │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ managementEvent     │ BOOLEAN                                                                                                                                                │ YES     │         │         │       │
│ 22 rows                                                                                                                                                                                                  6 columns │

It seem to have done a decent job inferring the correct datatypes and even dealt with the nested JSON of CloudTrail fields like requestParameters and additionalEventData. I performed a quick analysis, just to test out the newly created table. First, I wanted to do a count of all the User Agents.

D SELECT userAgent, COUNT(*)
> FROM ec2_proxy_tbl
> GROUP BY userAgent;
│                                          userAgent                                           │ count_star() │
│                                           varchar                                            │    int64     │
│ console.ec2.amazonaws.com                                                                    │           85 │
│ EC2ConsoleFrontend, aws-internal/3 aws-sdk-java/1.11.848 Linux/4.9.217-0.1.ac.205.84.332.m…  │            2 │
│ [aws-cli/1.18.136 Python/3.8.5 Darwin/19.5.0 botocore/1.17.59]                               │           11 │
│ ec2.amazonaws.com                                                                            │            5 │

I wanted to see the actions performed via AWS CLI.

D SELECT eventName, sourceIPAddress  FROM ec2_proxy_tbl WHERE userAgent='[aws-cli/1.18.136 Python/3.8.5 Darwin/19.5.0 botocore/1.17.59]' ;
│  eventName  │ sourceIPAddress │
│   varchar   │     varchar     │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ GetObject   │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ ListBuckets │         │
│ ListBuckets │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ ListObjects │         │
│ GetObject   │         │
│ 11 rows             2 columns │

The point wasn’t to investigate the dataset, I just wanted to play with DuckDB with a dataset I was familiar with. I will definitely be using DuckDB more for these edgecases where I need to investigate datasets. I would encourage those trying to break into detection and response, to take advantage of DuckDB and really learn how to analyze data with SQL.